23 March 2010

Raisin in the Sun...Twittered

Introducing a new literary innovation......
....retelling some of the world's greatest stories in 20 "tweets" or less, and the only rule is that a tweet can have no more than 140 characters.

Click below for Twitterature Versions of Dan Brown & JK Rowling's great works-

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown


Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling

But what are people saying about TWITTERATURE?

"Do you hear that? It’s the sound of Shakespeare, rolling over in his grave." – The Wall Street Journal

"A tool to aid the digestion of great literature" – Guardian

"Fans of the classics will either be delighted or appalled." – Guardian.co.uk/media

Are these guýs brilliant or lazy? Neither? Or both?
One thing is for sure...you must really know a story well to be able to twitter it in a way that the real story is maintained. Let's see how well you can do it.

Writing assignment for A Raisin in the Sun-- TWITTER the PLAY.
Retell me the story of the Younger family in the same way these two 19 year olds retold classics like Hamlet, Pride & Prejudice, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

You must have AT LEAST 15 TWEETS but NO MORE THAN 20 TWEETS.
Each tweet cannot exceed 140 characters.
If you use any abbreviations, you must give an explanation for each at the END of your story.
Your twitterature version of A Raisin in the Sun must take me from the Act 1, Scene 1 to Act 3 and must include the events/scenes/quotes that are critical to the storyline.

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