27 October 2009

LOF- Brutality in society?

William Golding has received a great deal of criticism about his book because of the brutality he portrays and the negative picture he paints of mankind.

As a response to these criticisms, he said in an interview in 1963,
"I learned during WWII just how brutal people can be to each other. Not just Germans or Japanese, but everyone. I tried to point that out.... some have said that the brutality portrayed in my novel is impossible. It´s not. Just look at any newspaper..."

Do you agree or disagree? Is his statement timely for 2009? More or less than it was in 1963?

21 October 2009

A View to a Kill/Death

Listen to this song by Duran Duran and write about what you thought as you read Chapter 9....

Would you have ever thought these boys were capable of their actions that you saw portrayed in Chapter 9?


20 October 2009

Human rights--who deserves them?

As you work in your groups on your "society", you have been asked to think about basic human rights.

What rights should be given to each and every person?
Or does everyone on the planet deserve the same rights?
Does the murderer deserve the same as you?
How about the child molester?
Or the rapist?
Is there ever a point when you sacrifice your right to those basic human rights?


08 October 2009

Going home?

The boys have now been on the island for quite a while, and their hopes of being rescued diminish a bit more each day. Remember- their ages range from 6 to 12.... When the sun goes down, and the darkness comes, what are they thinking about? What would you be thinking about?

06 October 2009

LOF Society

Welcome to the Lord of the Flies Society. As in the Lord of the Flies, your plane has crashed into the ocean. You and your friends have survived and manage to make your way to a seemingly deserted island. You have collected some items from the wreckage of the plane, but in order to survive until a rescue plane or ship arrives, you need to set up your "society". The first order of business to determine how this new society will function for its members because although you are friends, your group represents a variety of economic statuses, religious beliefs, ethical views, and opinions about right and wrong.

Each person from the crash is from a country with a democratic system of goverment, so everyone is familiar with how democracy functions. You must develop an "official document" that describes your Democratic system on the island. You should think abou these questions as a starting point: How will you maintain order, who will be in charge, how will you gather everyone together, how often and for what reason will you meet as a group? There are other questions that you may choose to address in your document. KEY: Make sure you create a system in which you could actually live and thrive.

You must develop a poster that details the rules and rights of the inhabitants of your island. You must include consequences for breaking the rules. Use the websites below to gather information about human rights situations around the world.


Amnesty.org-Freedom of expression





Every rose has its thorns...

Song Title: "Every Rose has its Thorns" by Poison.
Your task--relate this song to the novel Lord of the Flies
What parallels can you draw between the two?