17 December 2009

Conflict in OMAM

Conflict is all around us.... we see it every day in a variety of forms.

There are TWO different types of conflict-

INTERNAL CONFLICT is a battle that MAN has with HIMSELF.

EXTERNAL CONFLICT can occur in 3 different ways:
MAN against MAN
MAN against NATURE

Your group's task:
Create a chart listing the 4 types of conflict and find examples in OMAM Chapters 1 through 4 of the various types.

American Dreams for All ? OMAM Chapter 4

Think about all we have learned about Crooks, the "stable buck", in OMAM. Now think about what you know about "the American Dream". Is it truly for everyone? Or is there a separation between who can and who cannot achieve the American Dream?


15 December 2009

Loneliness in OMAM

One of the sub-themes in Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men is LONELINESS.

Think about the following characters: GEORGE, CROOKS, CURLEY, and CURLEY'S WIFE.
What makes them lonely? What do they want out of life that they do not currently have?
Is each person's "loneliness" the same? Or is it different from person to person?

The following are examples of Personal Ads, both written by someone looking for something in his/life, something to replace his/her loneliness.


Your group's task is to write a Personal Ad for each of the following characters from OMAM.
Your ad must reflect your group's understanding of each character and what makes him/her lonely as well as what kinds of things you think this person is looking for to replace the loneliness in his/her life.

OMAM Chapter 3

Of Mice and Men is a story about many different types of relationships, but at the same time, it is a story about many lonely people. Talk about how loneliness is pervasive throughout the ranch....How does it exemplify itself in the lives of the characters (through Chapter 3)?

03 December 2009

OMAM Ch 1-2

Chapters 1 & 2 give us a first glance into the friendship of Lennie and George. Describe that relationship and talk about if you could see yourself in the role of George? Could you befriend a person like Lennie? Truly befriend.....?

24 November 2009

Beliefs before Reading Of Mice & Men

Referring to the seven statements on the OMAM Anticipation Guide, choose the ONE about which you have the strongest opinion (agree OR disagree). Post it as a comment this blog and tell why.

1.People who are poor should rely on their friends, family, or church for help, not the government.

2.A true friend will tell you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it.

3.The “n-word” is more offensive than other racial slurs because of the history of hate behind it.

4.Women today are more often treated by men as objects rather than equals.

5.When people are a victim of a crime, they should be able to take the law into their own hands.

6.The best place for justice to be determined is in a court of law.

7.Sometimes a person has to break the law to make sure justice is served.

After we finish reading John Steinbeck´s Of Mice and Men, we will look at each of your responses and see if any of your opinions have changed (or lessened in their degree).

19 November 2009

Joke or Reality??

Respond to this quote by comedian, George Carlin.

"They call it the
American Dream
because you have to be
asleep to believe it."

27 October 2009

LOF- Brutality in society?

William Golding has received a great deal of criticism about his book because of the brutality he portrays and the negative picture he paints of mankind.

As a response to these criticisms, he said in an interview in 1963,
"I learned during WWII just how brutal people can be to each other. Not just Germans or Japanese, but everyone. I tried to point that out.... some have said that the brutality portrayed in my novel is impossible. It´s not. Just look at any newspaper..."

Do you agree or disagree? Is his statement timely for 2009? More or less than it was in 1963?

21 October 2009

A View to a Kill/Death

Listen to this song by Duran Duran and write about what you thought as you read Chapter 9....

Would you have ever thought these boys were capable of their actions that you saw portrayed in Chapter 9?


20 October 2009

Human rights--who deserves them?

As you work in your groups on your "society", you have been asked to think about basic human rights.

What rights should be given to each and every person?
Or does everyone on the planet deserve the same rights?
Does the murderer deserve the same as you?
How about the child molester?
Or the rapist?
Is there ever a point when you sacrifice your right to those basic human rights?


08 October 2009

Going home?

The boys have now been on the island for quite a while, and their hopes of being rescued diminish a bit more each day. Remember- their ages range from 6 to 12.... When the sun goes down, and the darkness comes, what are they thinking about? What would you be thinking about?

06 October 2009

LOF Society

Welcome to the Lord of the Flies Society. As in the Lord of the Flies, your plane has crashed into the ocean. You and your friends have survived and manage to make your way to a seemingly deserted island. You have collected some items from the wreckage of the plane, but in order to survive until a rescue plane or ship arrives, you need to set up your "society". The first order of business to determine how this new society will function for its members because although you are friends, your group represents a variety of economic statuses, religious beliefs, ethical views, and opinions about right and wrong.

Each person from the crash is from a country with a democratic system of goverment, so everyone is familiar with how democracy functions. You must develop an "official document" that describes your Democratic system on the island. You should think abou these questions as a starting point: How will you maintain order, who will be in charge, how will you gather everyone together, how often and for what reason will you meet as a group? There are other questions that you may choose to address in your document. KEY: Make sure you create a system in which you could actually live and thrive.

You must develop a poster that details the rules and rights of the inhabitants of your island. You must include consequences for breaking the rules. Use the websites below to gather information about human rights situations around the world.


Amnesty.org-Freedom of expression





Every rose has its thorns...

Song Title: "Every Rose has its Thorns" by Poison.
Your task--relate this song to the novel Lord of the Flies
What parallels can you draw between the two?

29 September 2009


Piggy is the kid on the island that everyone picks on. He is reminded of this every time they say his "name".

Think about these questions:
Why are kids so cruel to each other?
What about when you are on the receiving end of the cruelty?
Have you ever stood by and watched the cruelty or teasing without stopping it?
Should you do something to stop it?
Or is it even possible ????

24 September 2009

Come as you are

Who are we .......really?
Do we act differently depending on where we are and whom we are with?

Do people change when they are put into tough situations?
Or is this a picture of who they REALLY and TRULY are???
Do tough situations bring out the WORST in a person? Or do they bring out the TRUE CHARACTER?


22 September 2009

Another Brick in the Wall

Why are you here?

Why did you choose to be at the gymnasium?

And why did you choose this particular study line?

What do you plan to do after you finish at Herning Gymnasium?

Introduction of analogies :

1 page : novel :: education : "a brick in the wall"
1 page "is to" a novel "as" education "is to" a brick in the wall

08 September 2009

Holocaust Survival Stories

You have just read and analyzed a Holocaust Survivor Story.
How does this story differ from the other surival stories we have talked about? Or is it different?
Did people truly "survive" the Holocaust?

27 August 2009

Scars of survival

Survival is not only about the moment(s) in which the "surviving" takes place. Many of the things we survive leave scars that are constant reminders of what we have experienced. Scars are defined as a "sign of healing".... do you agree with this definition?

Papa Roach- "Scars"

25 August 2009

What do we survive?

Survival is not just about being on an adventure that goes wrong. It is more than being on a boat that capsizes and you must swim for your life. There are many things in life that we must SURVIVE....
what are they?

20 August 2009


Imagine being in a "survival situation" where you are truly away from family, friends, home, and even safety. You are alone, stranded, and have no one to talk to as you WAIT and WAIT to be rescued. What goes through your mind? How do you pass the time? What do you think about to keep going?

17 August 2009

I will survive....

When you hear the word "survive", what images or thoughts come to mind? What are the characteristics of a survivor? Does everyone have what they need inside of them to SURVIVE any situation?

11 August 2009

Welcome back

It's that time again.... time to journal.
As you listen to the theme song from "Welcome Back, Kotter", a 1970s sitcom about a high school teacher in Brooklyn, think about the year before us.
What are your expections? Was it hard to come back? Are you excited or not at all ready to be here?!
Either way.....Welcome back....

Bonus question...Can you name what famous person got his big start on this tv show?